Child development is the process children take as they grow from infancy into adulthood. As children grow, they develop the skills and behaviors they need to learn about the world around them. Children show their interest in learning by being curious, persistent, and creative while they play and interact with others. 

Families and other caregivers play important roles in fostering children’s healthy development. You know your child best and are their first and most important teacher. Learning more about how children grow and develop can give you new ways to support your child’s learning and well-being. It’s important to remember children develop at their own pace.

Areas of Child Development 

When children grow, they strengthen different parts of their body and mind. Each of these areas of development build on one another. For example, when infants learn to crawl, they can move themselves from place to place. This physical development allows children to freely explore their play space and investigate the things around them. Also, being able to explore and investigate their play space supports infants’ brain development. Families, caregivers, teachers, doctors, and others can support children in these different areas of child development in many ways.

Brain development is the growth in a child’s ability to think, learn, understand, solve problems, and remember. Many professionals may refer to this as cognitive or intellectual development. You can support children’s brain development by encouraging them to explore and learn. 

Children are always learning. Learn more about supporting children’s brain development in these resources.

Language development is how children learn to communicate with others and understand communication from others. 

  • Children’s verbal communication includes learning to make sounds and speak words and sentences to communicate. 
  • Children’s nonverbal communication includes the use of body language, including sign language, to communicate with others. 

You can support your child’s language development by regularly reading to them and talking with them throughout the day. Conversations build brains. For instance, talking to your baby—chatting, explaining, asking, echoing, rhyming, and so on—can have lifelong benefits for your child. Learn more about supporting children’s language development in these resources.

Physical development describes how children learn to move and use their muscles. There are two types of physical development:

  • Gross or large motor skills include a child’s ability to sit, stand, walk, run, keep balance, and change positions. 
  • Fine or small motor skills include using hand muscles to hold a spoon or fork, holding a crayon to draw or write, or zipping a jacket. 

Discover ways to encourage and support young children’s motor skills by reading “Why Are Motor Skills Important?” from

Social-emotional development describes how children learn to understand, express, and manage their emotions; respond to the emotions of others; develop meaningful relationships; and cooperate with others.

When children develop healthy social-emotional skills, they will be better able to make friends, work with others, deal with challenges, and interact with the world around them. Learn more about supporting children’s social-emotional development from these resources for families.